MESDA Research Center Appointment

You have received this link because a member of the MESDA Research team has agreed to provide you with in-person assistance at the MESDA Research Center to help you further your personal interests in early Southern decorative arts.  
The MESDA Research team will work with you to set up a 2-hour appointment.



The MESDA Research Center is located in the Frank L. Horton Museum Center at:
924 S. Main Street
Winston-Salem, NC  27101


Before you join us in person, please know that the following protocols will be enforced to maintain safety for all our guests:

  • Your hands must be washed before entering the Research Center or Library.  Hand sanitizer will be made available.
  • You are asked to provide your own face mask and wear it at all times.
  • Please maintain six-feet social distancing at all times.


  • Members of the Frank L. Horton Society, Frederic William Marshall Society, and Flora Ann Bynum Society receive research assistance for free.  In order to receive your discount, please register and/or sign in with your Old Salem Museums & Gardens username and password.  Please look to the top right corner of your screen and click "Register" or "Sign in."

  • Student researchers receive a discount on research assistance.  On the next page, please enter the code sent to you by a member of the MESDA Research Center team in order to receive your discount.

